3rd Workshop on Photo-active materials with Cooperative and Synergetic Responses - Nanosynergetics, International Associated Laboratory (LIA) between France and Japan
- 会 期:2018年5月21日(月)13:00 ~ 23日(水)12:30
- 会 場:大阪大学豊中キャンパス基礎工学部国際棟(シグマホール)
- 参加費:無料(懇親会費5,000 円:当日受付にてお預かりいたします)
- 参加登録締切:WEB登録は締め切りました。 当日受付まで起こしください。
- ポスターセッション:ポスターボードの貼付可能なサイズは横幅90cm X 高さ153cmです。左記サイズに収まるように作成してください。
- 予稿も講演も英語の国際会議です。
- 口頭発表は、計画班および推薦のあった公募班の先生方にお1人20分でお願いします。
- ポスター発表は、計画班・公募班の研究代表者は必須とします。
- ポスターは、年齢制限なく領域内(計画班・公募班の研究代表者、研究分担者、連携研究者の研究室の構成員)のどなたでも可です。
- 2日目の午後の若手セミナー(1人15分予定)は、今回は若手の公募班の研究代表者の方にお願いすることにしました。

2nd International Symposium on Photosynergetics, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Innovative Areas, MEXT, Japan
3rd Workshop on Photo-active materials with Cooperative and Synergetic Responses - Nanosynergetics, International Associated Laboratory (LIA) between France and Japan
- Dates: May 21-23, 2018
- Venue: Sigma Hall, Toyonaka Campus, Osaka University
- Registration Fee: Free (Banquet: 5,000 JPY)
- Deadline of Abstract Submission: April 26, 2018
- Deadline of Registration: May 11, 2018
- Notice
- Official language is English.
- All "planned research" members and some "publicly invited research" members will give an oral presentation (20 min).
- All "planned research" members and all "publicly invited research" members will give a poster presentation.
- Anybody inside the research group can apply for a poster presentation.
- On the 2nd day, "Young Researcher Seminar" is presented by some "publicly invited research" members.
- Program
[May 21 (Mon)] | |
-13:00 | Registration |
13:00-13:20 | Opening (H. Miyasaka & K. Nakatani) |
13:20-14:00 | Dario Bassani [Plenary] (University of Bordeaux)
Exploiting reversible covalent approaches towards advanced surface modification in carbon-based systems |
14:00-14:20 | Hiroshi Miyasaka (A01)
Advanced Control of Photochemical Reactions by Multiple-Photon Processes |
14:20-14:40 | Kohei Imura (A01)
Advanced Function Control of Photochemical Reactions Using Mesoscopic Structures |
14:40-15:00 | Yasuteru Shigeta (A01)
Control of multiple spin exciton states by synergetic studies of theory and experiment |
15:00-15:20 | break |
15:20-15:40 | Guillaume Laurent (ENS Paris-Saclay)
Cross-talking interaction in plasmonic/photochromic nanomaterials |
15:40-16:00 | Naoto Tamai (A01)
Multiexciton Dynamics in Semiconductor Nanoparticles and their Application to Photoresponsive Systems |
16:00-16:20 | Biju V. Pillai(A01)
One and multiple photon induced generation and stabilization of multi-excitons in quantum dot superlattices |
16:20-16:40 | Kosei Ueno (A01)
Modulations of electronic states in plasmonic strong coupling systems and their application to photochemical reaction fields |
16:40-17:00 | Tsukasa Torimoto (A01)
Development of Novel Electrochemical Reactions with Non-linear Photoresponse of Quantum Dots |
17:00-17:20 | Tsuyoshi Kawai (A02)
Development of High Order Photosynergetic Systems based on Interfacial Molecular |
17:20-17:40 | Taku Hasobe (A02)
Development of High Order Photosynergetic Systems based on Interfacial Molecular |
17:40-18:00 | Michel Sliwa (University of Lille)
Watching & controlling the photodynamics in a photo-switchable fluorescent protein |
18:00-19:30 | poster List ![]() |
[May 22 (Tue)] | |
9:00-9:20 | Denis Jacquemin [Invited] (University of Nantes)
Ground-state theoretical calculations for photochromic systems: a few illustrations |
9:20-9:40 | Hiromitsu Maeda (A02)
Photoswitching Materials Comprising Designed Ionic Species |
9:40-10:00 | Keiko Tawa (A03)
Crystallization control of the photoresponsible diarylethene film with a plasmonic chip |
10:00-10:20 | Yasushi Yokoyama (A02)
Creation of Molecularly Integrated Multi-responsive Photochromic Materials |
10:20-10:40 | break |
10:40-11:00 | Hervé Vezin (University of Lille)
CW and Pulsed EPR spectroscopy for quantum information based on photochromic spin properties molecules |
11:00-11:20 | Atsushi Shishido (A02)
Cooperative molecular alignment process enabled by spatio-temporally dynamic lighting |
11:20-11:40 | Yasuo Norikane (A02)
Development of Photoresponsive Solid-liquid Phase Transition Systems Based on Synergetic Action of Molecules |
11:40-13:00 | Lunch (photosynergetics & LIA meeting) |
13:00-13:20 | Rémi Métivier (ENS Paris-Saclay)
Photo- and Mechano-Responsive Fluorescence Properties of Molecular Nanosystems |
13:20-13:40 | Jiro Abe (A03)
Development of Photoresponsive Molecular Assemblies |
13:40-14:00 | Tsuyoshi Asahi (A03)
Dynamics and Mechanism of Cooperative Photochemical Reactions in Organic Nanocrystals |
14:00-14:20 | Kingo Uchida (A03)
Construction of Photoresponsive Supramolecular Composite Systems |
14:20-14:40 | Cyril Ruckebusch (University of Lille)
A chemometric perspective of photochemical data |
14:40-15:00 | break |
Young researcher's session | |
15:00-15:15 | Aude Bouchet (University of Lille)
Single particle emission of ultrasmall NaGdF4:Yb3+,Tm3+ up-conversion nanoparticles |
15:15-15:30 | Hiroshi Uji-i (A01)
Plasmon-associated control of chemical reaction at nanometer scale |
15:30-15:45 | Hisaki Oka (A01)
Two-photon excitation of optically-forbidden transition using nanostructure and entangled photons |
15:45-16:00 | Takeshi Yanai (A01)
Advancing electronic structure theory for high accuracy prediction of higher excited states and its application to photochromic molecules |
16:00-16:15 | Masanori Sakamoto (A01)
Highly efficient up-conversion nanocrystals driven by cooperative IR-excitation |
16:15-16:30 | Shohei Saito (A02)
Functional Photoactive Materials Based on Flexible π Molecules |
16:30-16:45 | Tohru Sato (A02)
Molecular design for aggregation induced emission enhancement from view of vibronic couplings |
16:45-17:00 | break |
17:00-17:15 | Nicolas Bogliotti (ENS Paris-Saclay)
Arene-Ruthenium Complexes Containing Azobenzene Ligands |
17:15-17:30 | Tsuyoshi Fukaminato (A02)
Development of highly sensitive fluorescence photoswitching systems by the giant amplification of nonlinear fluorescence quenching efficiency |
17:30-17:45 | Yoshiyuki Kageyama (A03)
Investigation into Interplay of Reversible Photoisomerization and Structural Phase Transition in the Self-Oscillatory Flipping of Molecular Assemblies |
17:45-18:00 | Tsunenobu Onodera (A03)
Elucidation of photoinduced phase transition in charge-transfer complex nanocrystals |
18:00-18:15 | Fuyuki Ito (A03)
Construction of hierarchical and cooperative fluorescence modulation molecular systems based on the meso-macro structural formation |
18:15-18:30 | Takehisa Dewa (A03)
Ultrafast Energy Transfer of Biohybrid Photosynthetic Antenna Complexes in Molecular Assembly Systems |
18:30-18:45 | Tadashi Mori (A02)
Effectual Photon Upconversion through the Toroidal Interaction |
19:00-21:00 | banquet |
[May 23 (Wed)] | |
9:00-9:20 | Christophe Coudret [Invited] (University of Toulouse)
Nanolanterns based on upconverting nanocrystals: from small to ultrasmall nanoparticles |
9:20-9:40 | Seiya Kobatake (A03)
Development of novel photomechanical phenomena of photoresponsive molecular crystals by high-order photoexcitation |
9:40-10:00 | Martin Vacha (A03)
Single-molecule level study and control of cooperative photoresponse in molecular complexes |
10:00-10:20 | Tomiki Ikeda (A03)
Precise control of polymer actuators by two-photon processes |
10:20-10:40 | break |
10:40-11:00 | Joanne Xie (ENS Paris-Saclay)
Synthesis and Properties of Photochromic Glycomacrocycles |
11:00-11:20 | Masakazu Morimoto (A03)
Development of Advanced Photoresponsive Molecular Systems for Super-Resolution Fluorescence Microscopy |
11:20-11:40 | Kenji Matsuda (A02)
Multifunctional Photoresponsive System Focused on Molecular Orbital Topology and Molecular Alignment |
11:40-12:00 | Clémence Allain (ENS Paris-Saclay)
Mechano-responsive Circularly Polarized Luminescence of Organic Solid-State Chiral Emitters |
12:00-12:30 | remarks (Photosynergetics & LIA advisers) |
LIA Steering Committee Meeting and Inauguration Ceremony
(French Consulate/Institute Kyoto) |